Individual Applications
Individual applications are by referral only (i.e., low-income students become eligible to apply after being identified by or referred to our foundation. We provide the application to those who qualify).
Low-income status is determined by one or more of the following indicators:
• Family income is within the lowest 25th percentile of incomes in the region
• Parents’ level of education is less than a college degree
• Student eligible for the National School Lunch Program
• Family is eligible for food stamps and/or government assistance
Priority is given to low-income students who are:
• Motivated and have shown academic potential
• From underrepresented ethnic minority groups (Native American or Alaska Native, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander) as defined by the National Institutes of Health—although students from any ethnic group are encouraged to apply
• First-generation college students
• Experiencing family hardships (e.g., parent(s) deceased or disabled, incarcerated, or with substance abuse problems)
• Unsheltered, or in/have been in the foster care system