Academic Support

Academic Support

Students learn laboratory techniques from a physicist

We support science and technology for students to improve their academic success. Our individualized tutoring creates meaningful friendships and enhances students’ success in school.

By creating a committed, positive, and safe learning environment, we encourage students to ask questions and learn helpful tools that make subjects easier to understand and remember.

In addition, we’ve created Tip Sheets based on our years of working with young adults. These are used widely by our tutors, students, teachers, and others using our website resources.

In one funded program at Graham Middle School approximately 60 students took part in the Academic Recovery Program and the large majority increased their grades sufficiently to pass. In 2015, there were only 5 students who did not graduate and continue on to high school. This was in contrast to 30 or more students in previous years.

Axel becomes 8th Grade Valedictorian

Axel and his social studies teacher, Mr. Sayer

One student, Axel, received individualized tutoring in English and was chosen to be one of three valedictorians at Graham Middle School’s graduation. Axel spoke about being a “goofball” who didn’t care about school in the 6th grade, meeting with Mr. Sayer, his social studies teacher, who encouraged him in the 7th grade, and finally becoming academically successful in the 8th grade.

Before I leave, I want to thank a few teachers and staff that have believed in me and inspired me.

They are Mr. Katz, Mrs. Dorocak, Ms. Delaney, Ms. Lo, Joey, Ms. Thompson, Mr. Chesley, Ms. Jan, Ms. Standley, and Mr. Sayer. I really want to thank one person that is always been  a role model for me and that is my Mom.

– Axel

Axel received the Most Improved Student Award for the year. He went on to be the first Latino valedictorian at Graham Middle School and is now a successful college student at Sonoma State University.